Green Initiatives



Grow your own #SecretGarden with your own Seeds as Beads! 

What seeds are contained in your bead?

Each envelope “bead” contains a mix of Southeastern wildflower seeds, both annual and perennial:

Baby’s Breath, Dwarf Cornflower/Bachelor Button, Five Spot, Lemon Mint, African Daisy, Sweet Alyssum, Toadflax, Tall Cornflower/Bachelor Button, Red Corn Poppy (Legion Poppy), Lance Leaf Coreopsis, Mixed Red Poppy (Shirley Poppy), Wild Cosmos, California Poppy, Blanketflower, Black Eyed Susan, Wild Perennial Lupine, Purple Coneflower, Russel Lupine, Plains Coreopsis, Siberian Wallflower, Blue Flax, Scarlet Flax, Drummond Phlox, Sulphur/Orange Cosmos, Gloriosa Daisy

In an effort to reduce waste, each envelope has been printed on paper that would have otherwise been discarded. Seeds as Beads, other than the wired twist tie, are completely biodegradable. If you happen to loose them along the route, no need to fret! A beautiful bouquet of wildflowers will pop up in its place.

How do I grow the bead?

The first (and most important!) step is to wet the envelope, place it under about 1/4″ of soil, water thoroughly and continue to monitor for the first 4-6 weeks to ensure that the seedlings are kept moist but not wet.

When can I plant my bead?

The bead can be started anytime indoors as long as the pot is kept in a sunny window. The flowers can then be transplanted outdoors in spring.

Outdoors, paper planted late fall to early spring will take advantage of the winter moisture and will produce earlier blooms. Beads planted in summer will need to monitored more closely to ensure that it is receiving adequate moisture when the seedlings first start growing.

How long do the SeedsAsBeads last?

We recommend that you plant your bead within 3 months to ensure the best germination results.

Please be sure to document your bead’s growth progress through pictures on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter using the hashtags #seedsasbeads and #krewedesfleurs. Thanks for making our garden grow!

Collectible Throws:

If you’re lucky enough to receive a commemorative throw, this year it may come to you as either a hair clip, pin or magnet, Other than the backing, this throw is made of completely upcycled materials. Each flower is completely hand-made by one of our members and as unique as each and every one of YOU!

Water Bottles:

We also carry reusable water bottles instead of toss away versions that we all know eventually make their way into our oceans. No plastic bottles on the route from our members!